The phenomenon of Christ Mary Magdalene after the Resurrection
The artist is Ivanov In accordance with the rules adopted at the Academy of Arts, the composition resembles a sculptural group. However, the picture overcome …
Paintings of the greatest
The artist is Ivanov In accordance with the rules adopted at the Academy of Arts, the composition resembles a sculptural group. However, the picture overcome …
The artist is Shchedrin The type of Neapolitan embankment from west to east is presented. In the center-VIA Partenop-a street along which there was a …
The artist is Shchedrin The artist used the motive in the picture "landscape interior", formed by greens of trees and pierced by light and air. …
The artist is Bryullov Shishmarev sisters – Alexandra Afanasyevna (mind. 1893), the first marriage of Chernysheva, in the second Durasova, and Olga Afanasyevna, in the …
The artist is Varnek The portrait is written after death a. With. Stroganova from the original. -L. Monier. Stroganov Alexander Sergeevich (1733–1811) – Count, son …
The artist is Ugryumov At the end of the XVIII century, Emperor Paul I artist G. And. Ugryumov was instructed to write a picture for …
The artist is Shchedrin In his early landscapes, Sylvester Shchedrin depicted Petersburg, developing the same topics of the city landscape, which Fa had to be …
The artist is Monier Stroganov Alexander Pavlovich (1794–1814) – Count. The only son s. AT. Stroganova (nee. Golitsyna) and n. AND. Stroganova. During the Patriotic …
The artist is unknown Researchers confidently believe that it is this portrait that appears in the story told by the famous Russian scientist, mechanic and …
The artist is Ugryumov The more accurate name: “The introduction of John IV into the Tatars of Kazan” was written by order of Paul I …