Portrait of Catherine I with Arapchonk

The artist is Adol

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The Romanov family gallery is complemented by the front image of the wife of Peter I Catherine the First, written by Ivan the Bolich Grigoryevich Adolsky.

Ivan Adolsky is a student and a bright representative of the Moscow weapons chamber, a engraver, a painter, a teacher of a number of artists of the first quarter of the 18th century, who organically accepted new ideas of Peter’s time. The art manner of Adolsky is distinguished by a free drawing, light -skinned modeling of volume (highlighting individual parts of the form and building volume in the contrast of illuminated and shaded areas), corps painting, the desire to convey the textured qualities of surfaces. Unfortunately, there are few works of it.

For many years, “Portrait of Catherine I with Arapchonk” was considered almost the only famous work of the master. And only recently other work begins to be. A magnificent picture can serve as a clear example of what successes the Russian master has achieved on the path of creating a baroque portrait. Everything in this canvas is pompous, majestically. Ekaterina Alekseevna, nee Marta Skavronskaya, is depicted in growth proudly looking down on the viewer from top to bottom. In his right hand, Catherine holds a scepter, the left hand rests on the crown, which the arapchok brings her on a gold pillow. The ceremonial outfit is decorated with a ribbon and star of the Order of Andrew the First -Called. In a magnificent environment (column, curtain, architectural landscape), an outstanding talent of the Adolsky-decorator is felt. He confidently conveys the texture of fabrics, skillfully uses a color scheme built on combinations of saturated tones. True, an attentive viewer will note a certain stiffness of the posture, the flatness of the figure.

The portrait repeatedly repeated and copied. A close version, also attributed to the master, is stored in the collection of the Catherine Palace.

E.AT.Amphilokhiev, e.AT.Stankevich and N.AND.Fedorova. Materials for a virtual tour of the exhibition "Diaghilev. Start". 2009

Go to the beginning of the virtual tour “Diaghilev. START”

Ekaterina I (March Samuilovna Skavronskaya, Ekaterina Alekseevna Mikhailova; April 5/15, 1684 − May 6/17, 1727, St. Petersburg) − The second wife of Peter the Great, the Russian Empress since 1721 as the wife of the reigning emperor, from 1725 as the ruling sovereign; Mother Empress Elizabeth Petrovna. In her honor, Peter I was established by the Order of St. Catherine (1713) and the city of Yekaterinburg in the Urals (1723) was named. The name of Catherine I also bears the Catherine Palace in Tsarskoye Selo (built under her daughter Elizabeth). Reigned from January 28 /8 February − 1725 to 6/17 May – 1727.

The 400th anniversary of the Romanov house. SPb, 2013. With. 110.

Ekaterina Alekseevna (Born Marta Skavronskaya (April 15, 1684 – May 6, 1727). The second wife of Peter I (since February 19, 1712). Koronovanova Peter I as an empress and co -ruler May 7, 1724. From January 28, 1725 – Empress.

Peter I. Time and environment. SPb, 2015. With. 122.

Peter I met Katerina in 1703 (in girlhood Marta Samuilovna Skavronskaya, the widow of Dragoon Johann Kruze), captured as military booty during the assault on the Swedish fortress Marienburg. The official wedding of Peter and Ekaterina Alekseevna took place on February 19, 1712, after the Prut campaign. They had children: Catherine (December 28, 1706 – July 27, 1708), Anna (February 7, 1708 – May 15, 1728), Elizabeth (December 18, 1709 – December 25, 1761), Natalia (March 3, 1713 – May 27, 1715), Margarita (3 September 1714 – July 27, 1715), Peter (October 29, 1715 – April 25, 1719), Paul (January 2, 1717 – January 3, 1717), Natalia (August 20, 1718 – March 4, 1725).

Depicted with the tape and star of the Order of St. Andrew the First -Called. The author’s size of the canvas is smaller (190 x 133), architecture and landscape are completed on later extensions. The portrait traditionally dated 1725-1726 in engraving a. F. Zubov. The document dated December 22, 1725 notes that “by decree e. And. AT. issued to the painter Ivan Addolsky “One hundred rubles in payment for the performance of two portraits of Empress Catherine I, this and belonging to the Tsarskoye Selo GMZ, which differ in details. Peter I. Time and environment. SPb, 2015. With. 65.

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