The artist is unknown
Peter III (Karl Peter Ulrich Golstein-Gottorpsky; February 21, 1728, keel − July 6/17, 1762, Ropsha) − The son of the Duke of Golstein-Gottorp Carl Frederick and daughter of Peter I Anna Petrovna. In 1742 he was brought to Petersburg as the heir to the throne. Having accepted Orthodoxy, he received the name of Peter Fedorovich. In 1745 he married Sofia Frederica Augustus Angalt Tserbst, future Catherine II. Since 1761, the Russian emperor, the first representative of the Holstein-Gottorp (Oldenburg) branch of the Romanovs in Russian throne. After a half -year reign, it was overthrown as a result of the palace coup (1762), who elevated his wife to the throne, Catherine II. He died in the Ropshinsky Palace under unclear circumstances.
Reigned from December 25, 1761 / January 5, 1762 to June 28 / July 9, 1762.
The 400th anniversary of the Romanov house. SPb, 2013. With. 112.
Almost all original portraits of Peter III are lifetime. More often than others, the German painter Georg Khristof Grot (1716–1749) wrote in Russia from 1743 to 1749. Iconographically portrait of timing is close to indisputable works of g. X. Groot-the oval portrait of Grand Duke Peter Fedorovich in the armor (1746, the Oranienbaum Museum-Reserve, INV. Tskh-1962-III), paired to the waist portrait of Grand Duchess Ekaterina Alekseevna; waist portrait from the collection of the Tallinn City Museum (1748, INV. TLM-8515/G-805); The portrait of Grand Duke Peter Fedorovich in Kaftan (about 1748, the whereabouts are unknown) (Markina. With. 236–237, 242–243, 259, 260). Since almost all of these images were executed in the second half of the 1740s, the work from the GRM collection could not be written earlier than this time.
N. X. Unknown artist. SPb, 2012. With. 48.